For Those Who Want More And Less

Weekend Hiking Trip: The Best Essentials Packing List

A woman and man posing on top of a mountain of large boulders with a snow capped mountain in the distance

It’s been a long, long time since we needed a weekend hiking packing list. I’m talking years. Hiking used to be our bread and butter. We spent almost every weekend hiking when we lived in New Zealand. The first three months we were in New Zealand was 90% hiking. 


We did a lot of hiking while traveling South America as well. Weeks on end. Then we moved to Canada, the place where most people would say is incredible for hiking. Breathtaking views, diverse landscapes, striking mountains. It’s a hiker’s dream. And a nature lover’s dream. An outdoor enthusiast’s dream. Basically, it’s anyone who remotely enjoys pretty landscapes’ dream.


Canada: A Nature Lover’s Dream with One Downside

We should’ve been spending the past six years hiking. But we haven’t. Part of it is finding the time. Another is distance to the best hiking. And a big part of it is bears. Yes, bears.

Hear me out. In Australia, the things that could kill you when hiking were small. You wouldn’t necessarily know you were about to die. There is nothing that will kill you in New Zealand. The only thing that will kill you there is kindness. Similarly in Patagonia. Not a lot that scared me.

Same thing with Peru, hiking to Machu Picchu. Nothing that scared us other than altitude and washed out roads. We wrote about our experience hiking the Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru: Married Memoirs: Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu. And even included a packing list as part of 5 Day Trek to Machu Picchu: The Salkantay Trail Unguided.

A woman and man posing on the side of a mountain with a turquoise colored lake down below, green forests, and mountains all around. Big Beehive Hike, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
Big Beehive Hike, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada


Bear Beware


Canada, however, has bears. Different types of bears. And cougars. Did I mention bears? Several of my friends have had encounters with bears. Face to face. Mere feet or meters away. BEARS. I’m not about that life.

Also, don’t tell Luke, but I don’t think either of us would be good facing a bear. I would scream and panic. He would forget bear protocols and sacrifice me because I’m screaming. It wouldn’t end well. 


Weekend Hiking, I Love You


But I miss the mountains. I miss hiking. If hiking in Canada was as safe and cozy as hiking in New Zealand I would do it all day, everyday. Weekend hiking trips would be the norm.

2024 marks our first mountain hike in years. It’s a weekend hiking trip with friends, who hopefully know their bear protocols.

In honor of this momentous occasion, I’ve pulled together a resource for us (and you) to use when packing for your next hiking adventure. 


Without further ado, I give you: our weekend hiking packing list.


A woman and man with their arms outstretched on the side on a mountain with rolling hills and forest covered mountains behind them and blue sky
New Zealand


Weekend Hiking Packing List

How and what you pack with you will depend on your destination and length of time. If you’re in a warmer climate or staying at lower elevations, you may want to pack more shorts and t-shirts than warm sweaters. Your hike may only last an hour so you might not take a lot of food. Or, you could be spending several days in the bush with no amenities, so need to bring everything with you.

No matter the trip, this weekend hiking packing list has your basics covered.



Clothing & Accessories

  • Long hiking/trekking pants
    • Lightweight, breathable, quick-drying fabric
  • Quick dry t-shirts
  • Long sleeve shirt/thermal layer
  • Rain jacket
    • Waterproof layer
  • Fleece layer
    • Pullover or zip up
  • Padded jacket
    • For warmth
  • Shorts
  • Hiking boots
  • Sandals or other shoes to relax in
    • More so for overnighters
  • Neck warmer
    • aka buff aka neck gaiter aka neck toque (I made that one up)
  • Gloves
  • Toque
    • aka beanie
  • Socks
    • 2 for hiking, 1 for chilling, 1 for bed
  • Underwear
  • Hat 
  • Sunglasses


A man and woman smiling at the camera while hiking with bush, dirt, and rocks around them, mountains in the background and clouds in the sky
New Zealand. Note the lack of bears.



  • Backpack
  • First aid supplies
    • Including any medications you take
  • Maps & compass
    • Important for longer, more convoluted trips
  • Flashlight or head torch
    • aka headlamp
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Bear spray
  • Bear whistle/bells
  • Sanitizing gel 
  • Hiking poles
    • We have yet to use hiking poles but are sometimes envious of others that have them


Food & Fluid

  • Hydration
    • Water
    • LifeStraw or water purification method of some sort
    • Electrolytes
  • Portable Food
    • High-energy, nutrient dense, and lightweight
    • Protein / granola bars
      • Plenty of great homemade recipes
      • Use often bring Cliff bars
    • Trail mix
      • Nuts, seeds, dried fruit
    • Fruit
      • Bananas, apples both easily portable
    • Peanut Butter & Jam sandwiches
      • Classic, easy, portable, nostalgic, and delicious
    • Trash bag
      • Pack it in, pack it out


A woman posing next to her tent in the woods




  • Lightweight backpack and rain cover
  • Lightweight backpacking tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping mat
    • Our backpacks, tent, sleeping bags, and sleeping mats are all from Kathmandu
  • Repair kit & tools
  • Camp stove
  • Fire starter
  • Pocket knife
  • Matches/lighter
  • Cooking pot
  • Bowl/plate, cup, utensils
  • Biodegradable soap
    • Multi-purpose: dishes, laundry, body & hair
  • Tarp & rope
  • Power bank to charge devices
  • Waterproof bag/pouches
    • To store electronic devices, matches, anything you don’t want to get wet
  • Toilet paper
  • A small towel
  • Toiletries
    • Toothbrush & toothpaste
    • Face wipes
    • Check biodegradable/eco-friendly


A man holding up a camping mug overlooking snow capped mountains and a body of water in the distance


Food & Fluid

  • Portable food
    • Freeze-dried meals
    • Muesli or oats with coconut milk powder
    • Cut up vegetables for snacking
    • Hummus
      • Good quality fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber (and less messy than other dips)
    • Coffee and/or tea

What are some essentials for your weekend hiking trips? Let us know in the comments section below!


Packing for a weekend hiking trip is exciting but daunting. Lucky for you, I've put together a list of everything you need!
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